My Skin file Include : Korean v.1 (It mean the skin have Korean) Normal v.1 Korean v.1.1 Normal v.1.1 NNK's Skin v.1.2 (include hidden spinner, sliderend and taiko 300g/k file)((it is 4 mode skin because I play all mode) NNK's Skin v1.3
Warning : All the skin elements are not made by me, all copied from the internet.
A List of the Skin that I have used (I can't list all of them because I forget some)
Cookiezi's skin - Hakurei Reimu-'s skin WWW's skin Blue Dragon's skin No Game No Life skin O2 Jam skin Taiko no Tatsujin: AC0/Momoiro skin Winshley's skin afb's skin